
Edu Copilot is an Artificial Intelligence tool to aid in creating assessment tasks. Capable of automatically generating large numbers (hundreds) of draft quiz questions, case studies and activities designed to spark student creativity and practical experiences. The education team will be able to curate these before their use in formative/summative assessment.

The problem that Edu Copilot is the time-consuming and challenging task of creating assessments for educators. Traditional assessment methods can be monotonous and repetitive, often involving the creation of multiple-choice questions and other standard formats that may not capture the full range of learners’ knowledge and understanding. This can lead to disengagement, boredom, and frustration among learners, resulting in poor learning outcomes.

Moreover, traditional assessment methods may not provide educators with enough feedback to identify areas where learners need additional support. The lack of personalised learning experiences can cause learners to feel disengaged, unmotivated, and uninterested in the learning process, leading to poor academic performance.

The problem area is particularly acute for educators working with large classes, who may find it difficult to provide learners with personalised learning experiences due to time constraints. The need to create multiple assessments for different learners can be overwhelming, leaving educators with little time to focus on other essential aspects of teaching, such as providing feedback and support.

The solution to this problem is Edu Copilot, an AI-powered tool that generates a wide range of assessment items, including multiple-choice questions, practical experiences, creative activities, and more. The tool enables educators to provide learners with a personalised learning experience by creating assessments that cater to individual learning needs. Moreover, the tool can provide immediate feedback to learners, allowing them to identify areas where they need additional support and adjust their learning strategies accordingly.

We are filling a gap in the market of personalized education using generative AI

EduCopilot is the only tool designed for both teachers AND students! The SmartQuiz, an AI-powered tool, redefines traditional on-line quizzes for summative assessment. Its integrated AI-powered conversational chatbot provides instant scaffolding to learners for incorrect responses, transforming missteps into engaging educational dialogues. These interactive exchanges continue until confusion evaporates into clarity, making quizzes not just assessments, but educational experiences.

The SmartQuiz targets several critical issues in the current educational landscape:

1. Delayed feedback: Traditional assessment tools, like quizzes and tests, often involve a significant time gap between the learner’s response and the instructor’s feedback. This delay might seem trivial, but it interrupts the learning process’s continuity and flow, creating a rift that can allow misconceptions and misunderstandings to take root and consolidate. Instead of facilitating learning, this delay can sometimes obstruct it, acting as a barrier between the learner’s current understanding and the accurate comprehension of the subject matter. With learners of all ages, the need for timely feedback to correct misunderstandings is paramount. 

2. Lack of engagement: Traditional quizzes and tests are typically a one-way street, with the learner answering questions and receiving a score at the end. This static nature can lead to a lack of engagement, making the process monotonous and even tedious for learners. Without an element of interaction, quizzes might fail to maintain learners’ interest and motivation, affecting their learning outcomes adversely. The importance of learner engagement in education is widely recognized, with engaged learners demonstrating higher academic performance, improved learning skills, and a more positive attitude towards learning.

3. Fear of mistakes: The current grading system, with its emphasis on correct answers and high scores, often instils a fear of making mistakes in learners. This fear can significantly hinder learners’ progress and exploration, as they become more focused on avoiding errors than on understanding and learning. In this environment, learners are likely to see their mistakes as failures rather than opportunities for learning and improvement. This mindset can have long-term effects, inhibiting learners’ ability to take risks, think creatively, and learn from their errors.

4. Insufficient insight for educators: From an educator’s perspective, traditional quizzes often provide insufficient insight into individual learners’ progress and understanding. While these quizzes can indicate whether a learner got an answer right or wrong, they fail to shed light on the learner’s thought process, areas of difficulty, or gaps in knowledge. As a result, educators might struggle to identify where learners are struggling, what misconceptions they might have, and what specific support they need.

The SmartQuiz, leveraging the power of AI, is designed to counter these significant challenges prevalent in the educational landscape. With an integrated chatbot, it makes quizzes engaging and interactive, maintaining learners’ interest and motivation. Its emphasis on understanding mistakes, rather than penalising them, helps foster a growth mindset among learners. And finally, its ability to provide in-depth insights into learners’ understanding and progress equips educators with the necessary information to better support their learners, leading to improved educational outcomes on a broader scale.

The foremost benefit of the Smart Quiz lies in its immediate feedback mechanism. Traditional testing often results in a delay between a student’s response and the teacher’s feedback, creating a gap in learning. With the Smart Quiz, this delay is eliminated. Whenever a learner answers a question incorrectly, the integrated AI-powered chatbot instantly steps in to provide guidance. This allows learners to immediately understand their mistakes and rectify them, reinforcing their learning process in real-time.

Another significant advantage of this tool is its personalised learning approach. The AI-powered chatbot provides tailored feedback and scaffolding, ensuring that each learner is met at their level of understanding. This personalised attention, which can be challenging to achieve in a traditional classroom, fosters a better learning environment that caters to individual learners’ needs.

The Smart Quiz also encourages a positive learning attitude by mitigating the fear of making mistakes. Often, learners are discouraged by incorrect answers, which can hinder their learning progress. However, with instant feedback and scaffolding provided by the AI chatbot, errors become opportunities for learning rather than sources of embarrassment or frustration. Learners are encouraged to embrace their mistakes and learn from them, fostering resilience and promoting a growth mindset.

Moreover, the Smart Quiz enhances learner engagement. The interactive nature of the tool, with its real-time feedback and chatbot interaction, makes the learning process more engaging and exciting. It turns a traditional quiz into a dynamic and interactive learning experience that can maintain learners’ interest and motivation.

Lastly, the Smart Quiz provides educators with invaluable insights into the learners’ understanding and progress. It tracks learners’ responses, the mistakes they make, and the areas where they struggle. This data allows educators to identify knowledge gaps and areas for improvement, providing them with the necessary information to adapt their teaching strategies and better support their students.

In conclusion, the Smart Quiz represents a significant leap in educational technology. It reshapes the traditional quiz format into an intelligent, responsive, and engaging learning tool that promotes real-time learning, personalised feedback, resilience, and learner engagement. By embracing this tool, we are not only enhancing the learning experience for students but also equipping them with the skills and mindset needed for lifelong learning.